Friday, May 22, 2015

My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic: Episode 507 - Make New Friends But Keep Discord


Holy shit, there’s another Grand Galloping Gala coming up!  And it’s today!  A whole year went into planning this important event before, but fuck it, let’s go.  Every previously seen moment of drama is crammed into one episode, including being butthurt over invitations, fancy new dresses, a disastrous main event, and Celestia inexplicably loving it.  But Discord wasn’t around that first time, so now he wants to go because he’ll feel bad otherwise.  While Natasha Levinger (perhaps with certain assistance) finds some surprisingly decent moments outside of her main character, Discord remains front and center.  And just like in Three’s A Crowd, he’s annoyingly awful.  Discord doesn’t understand Fluttershy wanting to take someone else, but then shows why by being obnoxious and rude throughout.  And he remains the focus despite many other interesting things going on around him.  This year’s Gala is Twilight’s first as a princess, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders will likewise be in attendance.  Maud also reappears, and she steals the episode with only two lines in about ten seconds of screen time.  But then there’s Discord doing bad standup comedy (straight out of Baby Cakes), although smashing a watermelon can’t save his act or the show.  For every decent moment scattered about (Pinkie Pie shakes the camera for a dumb reason), Levinger inflicts ten times as much pain.  Oh, I could have made this episode good if I wanted to, but I’d rather make you suffer.  Nothing about Make New Friends But Keep Discord feels right, since almost every second is a miscalculation in some way.  Clearly many other episodes were missed, but then they weren’t because we already saw them during the first season.  Fluttershy acts incredibly shallow, while her friends don’t fare much better.  Two new characters are also horrible for different reasons.  Tree Hugger is a hippie stereotype that does everything but pass doobs, while the Smooze somewhat reprises that 1986 My Little Pony movie’s villain.  His only goals are figuring out how much he can steal and whose clothes to ruin.  Unfortunately, Discord’s mind-numbingly dreadful performance stands out most, and there are no survivors.  Make New Friends rips off season one’s biggest arc while inexplicably making marijuana canon.  Even though the better moments should theoretically produce a higher rating…no, just no.

Discord’s awful jokes start early, as Fluttershy pretends to find them funny during their “Tuesday tea” (thanks, Princess Exposition).  Then she mentions her retcon friend Tree Hugger from a Breezies expedition (by god Levinger isn’t letting that episode die), which suddenly and permanently changes Discord’s mood.  He gets worse after Fluttershy admits Tree Hugger will be her date to the (apparently rather LGBT friendly) Grand Galloping Gala.  Contorting his voice and face into unwanted positions, Discord hurriedly leaves.

Make New Friends’s initial act depicts Discord harassing the mane six for a ticket.  This includes two Star Trek references which don’t end up adding much.  First, he pops into Spike’s “bed” (Picard’s version mercifully wasn’t so close) asking about Twilight’s location.  Then later he orders “all the cakes” from Pinkie Pie, only to cancel it when Tree Hugger appears (in Déjà Q, Q desires ten chocolate sundaes, but dismisses them upon their arrival since he’s no longer hungry).  Between these visits, Discord discovers our favorite ponies will be at the Gala thanks to their sisters (or “sister” in Scootaloo’s case).  Despite seeming quite separate in Appleoosa’s Most Wanted, the three now only chant annoyingly in unison.  Discord can take his ears off, but we aren’t so lucky.

After chatting with Tree Hugger, Discord retreats to his house that exists in some sort of continuum after all.  This place is a visual feast for the animation department, but Discord himself just bitches about his situation.  Somehow, a mail pony arrives and delivers Discord’s Gala ticket.  That was easy (“oh come on!”).  So the entire first act was a waste, but Discord’s mood doesn’t improve with an invitation.

Now it’s the Gala already, and Twilight has helped plan some parts because her pinché lazy mentor can’t be bothered doing anything considered work.  Discord’s arrival with his date quickly ruins her perfect evening fantasy.  The Smooze is a green blob of goo that eats shiny objects and otherwise makes messes just from “walking”.  Despite being greeted with blatant racism from everyone (including Twilight), the Smooze justifies their behavior by being nothing more than a common criminal with little intelligence.

Of course, Discord’s sole goal remains proving Fluttershy’s new friend doesn’t bother him at all.  He does this by being obnoxious to anyone around Fluttershy (including an impromptu comedy set), and half-heartedly stopping the Smooze’s various rampages.  One such finds Smoozey flooding the entire dance floor, but thanks to the calming effect of weed “positive vibes”, he “bliss[es] out” and suddenly gets better.  But Discord can’t take any more of Tree Hugger’s hippie speak and almost sends her to another dimension.  Sadly, Fluttershy talks him out of it by revealing a “simple” misunderstanding.  Discord apologizes for thoroughly ruining everyone’s evening, as does Twilight to her lord and creator.  Surprisingly, Celestia pardons her since this display was somehow as much fun as that one time Fluttershy angrily introduced Canterlot animals onto the dance floor.  Apparently Trollestia only gets wing-boners from clichés and her subjects almost sustaining grievous personal injury.

So where do I begin?  Literally every scene has problems, starting in the first moments.  Fluttershy laughs at a punch line that isn’t funny, and remembers an earlier joke which equally couldn’t be.  Then Levinger starts retconning by pretending they totally do this every week, Fluttershy has a new friend we’ve never met, and the Breezies are still mildly important.  Clearly she’s desperately trying to hold onto concepts everyone else realizes are terrible.  Discord apparently believed he was dating Fluttershy, and reacts like she left him for another woman.  Such rude behavior makes little sense, and he barely apologizes for it at the end.

While I appreciate Star Trek references (and they are appropriate given de Lancie’s history), most viewers probably won’t notice them and their oddness isn’t beneficial.  Showing up right on top of Spike is creepy in a sexual way, and probably causes nightmares later on (disappearing thereafter doesn’t help either).  Applejack makes a good comment about Galas not being “life changing”, but then spoils it by spouting that “all grown up” cliché.  Considering middle school dances exist and none of the Crusaders bring dates, she’s not quite there yet.  Did I mention they have zero lines not shouted in unison?  Rainbow Dash somehow wins her card game even though Applejack stopped playing minutes ago.

Pinkie Pie recognizes Discord without seeing him, and breaks the fourth wall after his order.  But her doing so has no point, and she ruins this moment by shouting “you want none of the cakes now?!”  That would be why he left, yes, and you probably shouldn’t be so dumb to think anyone would make such a request.  We do find out Pinkie’s mom still won’to be seen with her in public, so this is a good episode for her all around.

Tree Hugger can’t go five seconds without “digging” someone’s “vibes”, or performing other stereotypical activities.  All of her dialogue is hippie clichés, while we’re supposed to believe she forgets seeing Discord early on.  Given her spaced out look and voice, she’s likely super high during their first meeting and actually doesn’t remember.  Not that she isn’t baked the entire episode.

After angering at Discord’s noisy arrival, Twilight continuously flies like Dash usually does.  Twilight never expected having wings and only started flying a year or so earlier, and now she can’t move without them?  Fluttershy “doesn’t hear” Discord after being bumped into and much throat clearing.  Was she ignoring him or just being incredibly dense?  Why does Fluttershy repeat that “anypony as funny as you” line to Tree Hugger?  Or refer to Discord as “anypony”?  Can any writer actually write a good stand-up act?  Bad comedy didn’t work in Baby Cakes, and the set is even longer here.  Did Tree Hugger really implore the Smooze to “bliss out” in a children’s show?  And Celestia actually wanted all of this?  Now Fluttershy’s constantly flying too.  AGHHHHHHHHH!

Levinger’s characterization is awful, as everyone (possibly excepting Maud) displays their worst sides.  Fluttershy seems distant, callous, and oblivious, Tree Hugger always looks high, the Crusaders have no individuality, the Smooze’s only personality trait is stealing, Twilight doesn’t have a date (why is everyone’s “plus one” same sex?  Statistically, all of Equestria probably isn’t gay).  And then there’s Discord, whose officious attitude is completely unwatchable.  Levinger wastes John de Lancie’s first starring role on My Little Pony by having him be angry and repeat everyone else’s lines (“a scoche?”).  What exactly was her point here?  People often have more than one friend?  Doesn’t Discord already know that having met the mane six?  So Levinger only really accomplished making us not want the series’ best villain on screen ever again because of one painful role and performance.

All of these questions!  Levinger obviously wasn’t expecting anyone would think when watching Make New Friends But Keep Discord, and yet once again I must.  So much of this episode just feels absolutely wrong, whether it’s the characters, a sketchy plot, or how so many important events are missed.  Did Rarity design new dresses for everyone?  Probably, but then why are the Crusaders’ clothes so bland?  Sorry, I’d better stop before I have a heart attack.  Levinger commits too many errors in Make New Friends for a passing grade.  She shouldn’t have returned after two awful fourth season episode, and now this happened.  Whenever Discord next thinks about sending someone to a different dimension, I know exactly who should go.

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