Friday, February 26, 2021

My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic: Episode 518 - Crusaders Of The Lost Mark


Crusaders Of The Lost Mark attempts to be an Important episode, but only ends up as Magical Mystery Cure part two.  This criticism is common, but completely accurate since the episode features wall-to-wall songs and tries to do way too much.  Perhaps not to the extent of season three’s finale, although nothing about the plot, characterization, or resolution makes much sense either.  While planning their next failed attempt at earning cutie marks, the Crusaders are interrupted by Pipsqueak, who demands they become his campaign managers for a run at class president.  With no experience or reason to help someone who barely ever makes an appearance, they readily accept.  He slaughters Diamond Tiara after her assholish display, but now the Crusaders feel bad and try cheering her up by becoming friends.  Then after Tiara becomes a completely different character, they finally earn their cutie marks without disrupting My Little Pony’s premise.  These widely disparate events are scored as a musical for some reason, and Ingram’s songs are again typically bland and unoriginal.  Amy Keating Rogers wastes yet another teaser, and pervades her script with too many head-shaking moments.  Many may feel that the Crusaders finally earning their marks is historic enough to warrant a higher rating, but these odd final scenes only elevate a worse episode to middling status.  Given how long they’ve attempted to earn them, this part feels rushed after the drawn out Diamond Tiara scenes which don’t offer as much insight as they pretend.  Almost every problem Rogers had with A Friend In Deed occurs again here, since Crusaders is another extremely poorly paced episode.  Her script may never reach those earlier lows, but it’s still an indisputable mess whose sections do not belong together.  That the Crusaders earn their marks in this way is extremely disappointing, and wastes what should have been one of the series’ highlights.  Rogers is capable of much better work, but Crusaders brought out her sub-par faults instead and fails to achieve any of its objectives.  Even though they’re often annoying, the Crusaders deserved better than this anti-climax for their “defining” episode.
Hey Crusaders!  Instead of doing anything today, why don’t we sing a song?  How about a sickly uplifting one that wastes time summarizing what we do in every single fucking episode?  Wait, what’s that?  It’s Pipsqueak, and judging by the tone of his voice, he must be in trouble!  What terrible problem has afflicted him now?  He…wants to run for student “pony” president and wants us to be his campaign managers?  What the hell is that and why is he asking us?  Who cares?  We’ll totally get our cutie marks in something we’ve never done before!  Did this teaser make any sense to you guys?  Don’t worry, neither will the rest of the episode.

So how do we get this kid who barely shows up for class elected?  Um, new swing set and, uh…more songs?  That’ll definitely work!  It’s too bad Diamond Tiara won’t leave anyone alone.  She keeps talking about statues and windows and how her mom is suddenly president of the school board.  It’s not like money or connections are important for winning an election.  Besides, we need a new playground, and Pipsqueak’s best qualification is that he’s not Diamond Tiara.  Does all this singing and convincing speech and “vote for change” stuff work?  Not in the slightest.  How does Pipsqueak win the election?  Because Diamond Tiara tells Silver Spoon to shut up, which destroys what little public opinion she had left.  Being a dick to everyone before voting probably didn’t help either (amazingly enough).

Hmm, thought that election storyline would fill up an episode.  Now we feel like dicks since Diamond Tiara is skulking around town.  Even though she’s treated us like shit for literally years, maybe now that we have time to waste we should try helping her.  She could use it once her mother Spoiled Rich (did somebody really name their kid “Spoiled”?  What was her maiden name, Milk?  Or is Diamond Tiara’s bitchiness a result of her being inbred?) starts laying into her for losing.  Spoiled is also racist toward us blank flanks, because rich people just suck in general (like Fancy Pants and Fleur Dis Lee, who just happen to stroll through Ponyville at the exact moment Spoiled makes her point).
This low-level and ultimately meaningless loss for an inconsequential position has caused Diamond Tiara to question her existence.  Ponyville’s biggest stuck-up bitch just wishes she could be normal and unimportant.  Is it weird that I feel bad for her?  Yes, yes it is.  I know, let’s offer friendship!  Because after our prolonged history of hatred, that totally has a chance of happening.  And it does!  Diamond Tiara “has nothing better to do”, and accompanies the Crusaders to their clubhouse where she trashes their stupid activities.  Then she completely reverses her earlier position and says they’re lucky for having many options to explore (I guess Twilight’s convincing speech in Call Of The Cutie finally worked).  After more insults, Pipsqueak shows up again needing to take a piss and relates how his playground initiative has gone to shit due to lack of funds.  Realizing the opportunity and remembering her purpose, Diamond Tiara rushes back toward school so she can take back her presidency.

Where do I even start with this second act finale song?  Diamond Tiara demands the Crusaders get out of her way even though they’re behind her.  They respond that she’s “better than this hostility”, when she’s really not based on their history (DT’s following “you don’t even know me at all” is ironically accurate).  Rich ponies are socializing in Ponyville right when Diamond Tiara brings up “her family”.  The Crusaders suddenly develop Pinkie Pie physics and appear in front of her from nowhere for dramatic effect.  Then they run backwards for 6-7 seconds at the same speed as Diamond Tiara, which is physically impossible for horses.  And for some reason, an isolated gazebo has sunny weather with a rainbow while the nearby schoolhouse experiences dark clouds.
So of course Diamond Tiara takes the road less travelled, but thankfully Ponyville’s weather immediately improves once we return.  And fortunately so does her plan, because the Crusaders’ short convincing speech apparently works.  Diamond Tiara tells off Spoiled Rich and demands Filthy Rich pay for the swing set.  She realizes that eponymous cutie mark means her special talent is bossing everyone around, but don’t worry because the Crusaders are totally her friends now and she fully supports Pip’s administration.  Despite not being even remotely in character, a happy ending was reached after all.

Wait, that still isn’t enough to fill out the episode?  Alright, fuck it, the Crusaders can have their goddamn ass tattoos.  After Appleoosa’s Most Wanted and helping Diamond Tiara understand her cutie mark, they decide to start assisting others rather than worrying about getting their own.  This pledge sets off a magical transformation which leaves our least-favorite ponies with new cutie marks.  Everyone else stares (too much) in awe, but their proclamation of “we all got the same cutie mark” isn’t accurate.  All three do have multi-color Crusader shields, but each features a different symbol in the middle (apple, music note, lightning bolt).  Suddenly freed from their vacation, Pinkie Pie announces the Crusaders’ cuteceañera will start immediately with no preparation.  Applejack makes an unfortunate comment about her parents’ death, and they all pretend the Crusaders have accomplished something other than annoying everyone.  Those clubhouse meetings will continue with a slightly different focus, and Princess Celestia gets an updated cast photo.
Ostensibly, Rogers was trying to rehabilitate Diamond Tiara as was done with Trixie and Gilda, but nothing about her quick change felt remotely realistic.  Being an asshole early on is fine, but one little loss suddenly brings her to the “lucky” Crusaders’ clubhouse.  Then Tiara happily supports Pip while calling the Crusaders’ her friends after barely one afternoon of hanging out together.  Trixie and Gilda’s returns felt organic and made sense from a character standpoint and time, but this seemed like someone said we’re making Diamond Tiara good and fuck the details.  That most of her “transformation” happens in the second act rather than an entire episode also doesn’t help.  (Perhaps worse is that Diamond Tiara has no further lines in the series.  Instead of seeing how this episode affected her, she is never heard from again.)

Rogers’ other characters are mixed at best.  Pipsqueak is a disaster, with no explanation given for why he’s suddenly friends with the Crusaders or needs their help.  He annoyingly demands their services, and they accept out of apparent boredom.  Spoiled Rich at least explains Diamond Tiara’s poor attitude, but her racism and odd facial design feel like rich stereotypes rather than actual character traits.  Her unfortunate name and retcon status are also negatives.

With this shitty Election rehash taking up most of the running time, the Crusaders’ finally earning their marks feels hurried and hollow.  No other ponies have basically the same cutie mark, so having a preordained friendship that can now apparently never end seems very strange.  However, having their talent come from failing so much that they can help others realize theirs is interesting (despite it ignoring The Show Stoppers’ events).  This was more effective in Appleoosa’s Most Wanted, and debatably makes sense based on their history.  Given that one of season five’s themes has been dissatisfaction with cutie marks, providing counselors to help ponies with problems does work.  Unfortunately, Diamond Tiara doesn’t really need any assistance since she’s always been a bossy bitch and her good side transformation never feels believable.  That she somehow pushes the Crusaders toward their ultimate purpose makes little sense.  And as evidenced by the fact that I haven’t mentioned a single one of them by name all review, they are again treated as one character rather than separate individuals.

Amy Keating Rogers is better than the myriad of problems which litter Crusaders Of The Lost Mark, but this inconsistency can’t be surprising given previous episodes like A Friend In Deed, Applebuck Season, The Last Roundup, and Fall Weather Friends.  Each act feels like a different episode, and all the songs made every event seem very fillerish.  This shouldn’t happen when the Crusaders finally get their freaking cutie marks.  Having learned nothing from Magical Mystery Cure, Crusaders Of The Lost Mark represents a huge misfire from everyone involved.  Rogers turned in another horridly paced script, while the animation was practically just as bad (rich ponies walking through Ponyville, horses running backwards).  Even the Crusaders’ new marks are a cop-out, since they allow them to stay together without changing My Little Pony at all.  The idea behind their marks is intriguing, and those touching family moments almost work, but nothing else about the script or execution does.  While far from awful, there’s little question that Crusaders Of The Lost Mark is one of the most disappointing episodes ever produced.

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