Saturday, June 10, 2017

My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic: Episode 615 - 28 Pranks Later


You know what we need?  A sequel to that one terrible episode.  No, not The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well.  That other one, with the griffon.  Brush off something-or-other.  We already did one?  Fuck, I mean, I know we already did one, but that was to the griffon part.  Do one on the prank part instead.  You know what, go ahead and throw in Mare-Do-Well too, what the hell.  Oh, and zombies.  The kids love zombies.  That Walking Dead show?  Huge ratings for AMC.  Every other movie that tops the box office these days has zombies, or it’s some other sort of horror movie.  I don’t know, just put some zombies in because our ratings have been sagging recently.  Yes, I know it’s a kids’ show!  They won’t notice, trust me.  I’ve had sex right next to my three-year-old’s bedroom and he slept through the whole thing.  What does that have to do…oh never mind.  Just don’t make the episode too gory and it’ll be fine.  We probably shouldn’t have anyone die either; the parents might not like that.  And don’t put “dead” in the title, I don’t want to have another conversation with Standards and Practices about that.  Come on, there must be at least one zombie movie without “dead” in the title.  Night Of The Living Dead, Dawn Of The Dead, um, Shaun Of The Dead, Day Of The Dead, Land Of The Dead, Evil Dead, Dead Alive, fuck.  Wait, wasn’t there that one movie that came out a while ago from that piece of shit director who somehow won for that Who Wants To Be A Millionaire movie?  What was it called again?  Yeah, that’s it, 28 Days Later.  Bam, there’s your title and premise right there.  Script’s practically already half written, I can feel this is going to be a good one.

What was it Dash said she didn’t want to do last time?  Scare Fluttershy?  We have to do that now.  I mean, she’s scared of everything.  I bet if you even just quickly said “boo” to her she’d jump right up and cling to the nearest tree for dear life with a dumb scared look on her face.

Comedic. Fucking. Gold.

What a pussy.  I can’t believe she actually complained to Twilight about some harmless prank.  That whoopee cushion serves the princess right though.  Now come on, that was hilarious.  Figures the old stick-in-the-mud wouldn’t get it.  What the hell are they all talking about with “make sure everyone finds a prank funny” and “you need to try harder, Rainbow Dash”?  Do they even know how jokes work?

“You asked for it,” alright.  Dash amps up the pranks because I’m sure there’s a lesson here somewhere.  Rarity thinks Sweetie Belle’s outfit is booby trapped, but it turns out Rarity’s sewing machine doubles as a cake.  Applejack Dash-proofs her room before bedtime, but she wakes up outside anyways and falls face first into the mud.  Splat!

Is Cranky part of the mane six now?  Fuck it, let’s replace his toupee with a skunk anyways.  Hey, remember that one prank from Griffon The Brush-Off where Spike ended up sending all those scrolls to Celestia at once?  Let’s use it again, because Spike’s an idiot and nobody ever made any money from being original.

Now with artifacts
"This is why I'm never usually in any episodes"
Big Mac, meet Tom (don’t ask how he got there).  RIP your teeth, Mr. Cake.  See, it’s because teachers are smelly!  Oh, and she hid in a closet and said “boo” quietly when Pinkie opened it.  That’s totally just as bad as the other ones.  Whatever, once again Dash shows that she’s the epitome of hilarity.

Can you believe the whole town feels pissed about this?  They ask Pinkie Pie to make Dash stop her bullshit, but neither of them really want to.  Pinkie fumbles through her mission while Dash explains the next setup.  Her “joke” Girl Scout cookies will give everyone who eats them a rainbow-colored mouth.  Who actually agreed to produce such cookies?  What did I say about asking these questions?  Besides, like Dash herself says, “it’s gonna be hi-larious.”

Pinkie’s on her death bed after eating some, but Dash doesn’t suspect anything unusual.  The Girl Scouts sorry, “CMCs” happily continue with their plan of selling these death traps to “every house in Ponyville” while Rarity and Applejack ignore Dash’s constant snickering.  After a long day of selling, Dash likewise sees little problem with Rarity’s comment that Ponyville must be in a “cookie coma”.  It’s quiet too quiet out there.

Finally we’re getting to the good part.  Dash can’t find anyone awake, and eventually stumbles into wherever it is Pinkie Pie works.  Upon discovering Mrs. Cake rummaging for something, Pinkie’s employer turns around with rainbow coloring on her mouth and chants “cookies”.  I guess this is scary.  Pinkie Pie and the twins (holy shit, how did they get involved in this?) are also affected and start slowly marching toward Rainbow Dash, trying to eat her brains, I mean cookies.

Dash escapes fairly easily, but she’s trapped since everyone in Ponyville bought these stupid cookies.  Thankfully Rarity, Applejack, and the Crusaders haven’t eaten any yet, although the whole town soon marches on them.  Holing themselves up in a barn doesn’t work either when the aforementioned ponies also eat those cookies.  Dash clearly looks done for, but the attack is averted when she admits her latest prank isn’t funny.  Everyone wipes that rainbow crap off their faces, revealing this stunt was “surprisingly” only a prank.  They drag this fact out until Dash declares she’ll never prank anyone again.  At least not until we run out of ideas for new episodes.

28 Pranks Later depicts Rainbow Dash’s strange regression, as she hasn’t really acted this way since Luna Eclipsed early in season two.  Dash suddenly lives only for pulling pranks, which makes less sense now than it did then.  But again, they’re not funny and occur for little reason.  Indeed, the first act was hatefully awful like many second season episodes, and it only embarrassed our main characters.  Lasting almost ten minutes must count as a “bonus”.

Mare Do Well’s inspiration can be seen when Ponyville unifies against Dash in an extremely overcomplicated way.  Because it’s tonally different from the first half (and frankly any other My Little Pony episode), 28 Pranks Later’s quality noticeably improves through being humorously ironic.  Obviously those cookies aren’t making zombies of anyone, but Dash not realizing this makes her stupidity frustrating.  The zombie trope feels overused, while Applejack and Rarity have poor acting moments (somewhat supported by another Merriwether Williams episode: Spike At Your Service).  The “attack” was overall somewhat more fun though, and a decent payback prank.

Despite being mercifully banished from My Little Pony, Meghan McCarthy caused damage from afar.  For once, determining her influence was difficult because the story doesn’t contain any “easy” solutions.  McCarthy’s non-adventure scripts were plagued by stupidity, such as Three’s A Crowd, Inspiration Manifestation, and Flutter Brutter.  These leftover story ideas should have been burnt, and why they were made at all defies comprehension.

M.A. Larson might have enough talent to save one of McCarthy’s stories (The Cutie Map), but F.M. De Marco’s sole offering did very little.  Like earlier season six episodes, he involves the mane six while making them seem absent.  Fluttershy acts too scared, Rainbow Dash over-loves pranks, and Twilight shows extremely poor leadership skills (she escalates the situation instead of disciplining Dash, and won’t shut up about finding ponies who enjoy pranks).  Applejack and Rarity only exist as plot tools, while Pinkie Pie’s diminished intelligence likewise shows a regression.  As also happens too often, De Marco’s script is burdened by too many obvious clichés (“you took the words right out of my mouth”, “what are you saying?”, and the unnecessary meme “…I see what you did there”).  Considering his poor dialogue and characterization, and that the best parts were atmosphere (like Tabitha St. Germain’s delightful tone for zombie Granny Smith), saying De Marco made any positive contributions proves difficult.

Like many other season six episodes, 28 Pranks Later just shouldn’t have been made.  At best, it could have aired in place of Griffon The Brush-Off, and the throwback feel makes one wonder how old McCarthy’s story idea actually is.  De Marco’s first half embarrasses every character except Dash, who then gets her dose for the second.  This kind of approach sank season two, and My Little Pony should be beyond it.  I must be feeling generous to award such a poorly thought out episode two-and-a-half stars, although the animators did their best to save poor writing.  The zombie parts are somewhat fun if far from scary, but 28 Pranks Later’s script just mashes up Griffon The Brush-Off, The Mysterious Mare Do Well (two one-star episodes), clichés, and tropes.  While even turning out this well was a miracle, 28 Pranks ends up being another one for the bin.

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