Saturday, June 10, 2017

My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic: Episode 615 - 28 Pranks Later


You know what we need?  A sequel to that one terrible episode.  No, not The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well.  That other one, with the griffon.  Brush off something-or-other.  We already did one?  Fuck, I mean, I know we already did one, but that was to the griffon part.  Do one on the prank part instead.  You know what, go ahead and throw in Mare-Do-Well too, what the hell.  Oh, and zombies.  The kids love zombies.  That Walking Dead show?  Huge ratings for AMC.  Every other movie that tops the box office these days has zombies, or it’s some other sort of horror movie.  I don’t know, just put some zombies in because our ratings have been sagging recently.  Yes, I know it’s a kids’ show!  They won’t notice, trust me.  I’ve had sex right next to my three-year-old’s bedroom and he slept through the whole thing.  What does that have to do…oh never mind.  Just don’t make the episode too gory and it’ll be fine.  We probably shouldn’t have anyone die either; the parents might not like that.  And don’t put “dead” in the title, I don’t want to have another conversation with Standards and Practices about that.  Come on, there must be at least one zombie movie without “dead” in the title.  Night Of The Living Dead, Dawn Of The Dead, um, Shaun Of The Dead, Day Of The Dead, Land Of The Dead, Evil Dead, Dead Alive, fuck.  Wait, wasn’t there that one movie that came out a while ago from that piece of shit director who somehow won for that Who Wants To Be A Millionaire movie?  What was it called again?  Yeah, that’s it, 28 Days Later.  Bam, there’s your title and premise right there.  Script’s practically already half written, I can feel this is going to be a good one.

Friday, June 9, 2017

My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic: Episode 606 - No Second Prances


Receiving his second straight solid premise, Nick Confalone unsurprisingly flushed it down the toilet.  No Second Prances finds Starlight Glimmer making friends with Trixie, but this spectacular development gets lost through poor characterization and writing.  Twilight wants Starlight to make her own new friend for an upcoming dinner with Princess Celestia, except Starlight actually chooses someone who understands her.  Trixie has returned with a new magic show (sort of), and…fuck it, she has no tricks and the dinner doesn’t really matter anyway.  Criticisms about No Second Prances pandering and being bullet points to or a summary of an actual good script are quite accurate.  Confalone doesn’t care whether his characters actually arrive where he wants, and every choice he made was awful.  Trixie has forgotten about Magic Duel (except for some toothless asides), Starlight won’t stop joking about her past, and Twilight is an annoying mother whose change of heart only occurs because the script says so.  Then we get Trixie trying to kill herself while Celestia has no lines because they didn’t want to pay her voice actress.  And since Slice Of Life was so popular, why not needlessly throw in those background ponies too?  Cranky rattles off some decent quips and Trixie’s sarcastic introduction elicits laughter, but No Second Prances is otherwise a complete mess.  Confalone can’t be forgiven for utterly destroying his premise when it should have been a season highlight and likely top list inclusion.  Instead, the episode confirms that forcing Starlight onto the show was a huge mistake.  Confalone certainly wasn’t attempting this goal, but he nevertheless achieved it with yet another disappointment.