So apparently pilot training/flight school is actually like
this, where everyone’s first day goes terribly, too many new recruits just want
to show off, and you absolutely will get stuck with a terrible call name. While such trivia proves interesting, seeing these
events in action does not. Dave Rapp’s
first script freely retcons or contrives whatever he needs to hurt and
embarrass the usual mane six member. Doing
so was unfortunately typical of season two, so Newbie Dash marked one more step
backwards. Some effort was made to
justify Twilight becoming a princess or the Crusaders earning their marks
before, but we don’t have time for that so fuck it. Rainbow Dash is a Wonderbolt now, because
some guy we’ve never seen before totally “retired”. Training for their upcoming show goes
terribly though, especially when everyone starts calling her Rainbow Crash
again. When not using this premise to
dump trash on Dash or otherwise inflict bodily harm, Rapp populates his script
with questionable sequences which have little point but killing time (Dash
imitates her five friends and Pinkie Pie wants bigger cotton candy). He also has Dash walk across the
runway (while we watch another Wonderbolt fly over it), so that she can almost
get hit and fall into a conveniently placed trash can. Good luck trying to find Dash walking
anywhere else when she’s not injured.
Even though Rapp gives Pinkie one decent line (“at least they didn’t
call you Rainbow Trash”), Newbie Dash feels too painful for a passing
grade. It never feels like an actual
episode, going from needless slapstick comedy to a final lesson of being “okay
with fitting in”. What theoretically
should have been Dash’s huge celebration ends up being more character
regression. Every complaint I’ve made
before fits Newbie Dash, since it isn’t remotely acceptable for a series this
far into production.