Nobody ever said reviewing was easy, and this analysis
wasn’t going to be either. I had on my
hands an episode with four writing credits, which meant the culprit could be
any one of them. A lovely femme fatale
was called upon to investigate a potential crime, but I was left to pick up the
pieces. She knew right where to get me,
tugged at all of my strings and used her considerable charm. Like myself, she was into fashion, sporting
some of the best clothes ever seen on My
Little Pony. With a grace and
elegance none of her friends could muster, she solved her case in time for
dinner, but did this style have any substance?
One of the most colorful television shows finally produced long
stretches of gorgeous black and white, but was that enough for a good
rating? Only I could decide. It was a lonely road, but one I chose long
ago. I know why I did, and what I had to
do now. Maybe I’d lose some friends, or
alienate the public again, but none of that mattered. It was just me, my typewriter, and the truth. And I’ll be damned if I was ever going to betray
any of those for anyone.