For the first time since she joined the writing staff,
Merriwether Williams hasn’t written the worst episode of the season. Whether Natasha Levinger or the premise is to
blame is uncertain, but Pinkie Apple Pie is literally comprised of filler. Pinkie discovers that she might be a distant
relation of the Apple family from Twilight, but a smudge in the genealogy records
casts some doubt. The Apples go on a
journey to find that there’s another smudge in a different book, so they still
don’t know. Great. Along the way, they get justifiably angry
with each other, but not enough to break up or something. Ostensibly the episode is about families
sticking together through the tough times, but these weren’t really bad enough
for the Apple family to be in jeopardy.
I had also hoped Pinkie Apple Pie might be the adoption episode which must
be coming, but that wasn’t the case either.
Essentially, there is no point to Pinkie Apple Pie, and it’s more
painful than any episode since the second season. Unlike the previous outing, even two
stars might be a bit generous.